Shuman Perú
We are official representatives in Peru of Shuman Produce Inc. leading company in the USA. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security in the Marketing and Distribution of Sweet Onions works with producers in the states of Texas, California, Colorado, and in countries such as Peru, Chile, and Mexico, thus ensuring that quality sweet onions are available to our consumers year-round.
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Company Information
Ica: (51)-56-216130
Email :
Direction : Panamericana Sur KM 257
July - January

Allium Cepa L
Allium Cepa
They are non-pugnente ("not spicy"), with low levels of sulfur and high sugar content, differences that give it its appreciated "sweetness".
September - March

Allium Sativum
Allium Sativum
Our garlic comes from the best producing areas of Peru (Arequipa, Lima, Cajamarca, La Libertad, Junín and Ayacucho).